Fête de la science 2023 draws to a close! A highlight of scientific culture, this 32nd edition was placed under the sign of sport, just a few months before the launch of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
A wide range of events throughout France
Conferences, exhibitions, workshops, tours, concerts… 370 free operations were offered throughout Normandy. The Normandy program was represented by Rim Ridane, three-time world champion in French boxing, who will shortly be starting a thesis in neuroscience at the University of Caen Normandie. Numerous UNICAEN structures and research units were mobilized for this occasion: a big thank you to all those who worked to make this operation possible!
A great turnout!
Campus 1 in Caen was decked out in the colors of the national “Sport & Science” theme on October 4, for the Fête de la science Before event.
The Geology Museum opened its doors from October 9 to 15: over 300 visitors, including 200 primary and secondary school pupils, came to discover the geology and paleontology collections, with their hundreds of thousands of samples.
At its Saint-Lô site, the LUSAC laboratory welcomed 60 visitors, including schoolchildren, for a tour of its scientific experimentation platforms linked to energy transition and efficiency.
Plants that sing? Objects that levitate? Clouds you can touch? Welcome to Caen’s Science Village! This flagship event of the Fête de la science in Normandy was held on Campus 2 on October 13, 14 & 15, 2023. The Village attracted 2,500 visitors, including 1,000 students. The biggest science outreach event of the year, this year’s Fête de la science featured a wide variety of activities, all conducive to exchange and astonishment!
See you in October 2024!
The Fête de la science is not quite over yet! You can still admire artist Guillaume Cousin’s monumental work Soudain Toujours on campus 2 (bât. S3). The Science ou Science-Fiction exhibition can also be seen until November 3 at the BU Blanche Maupas in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin.

Initiated by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Fête de la science en Normandie is co-coordinated by Le Dôme and Science Action Normandie, with the support of the French government, the Normandy academy and the Normandy region.