Swimming pool

Sports activities at university

The University Services for Physical and Sports Activities (SUAPS—Service universitaire des activités physiques et sportives) givesall UNICAEN students and staff members the opportunity to practice sports on a weekly basis. With nearly 70 sports activities, a wide range of physical activities is provided as well as sporting equipment: climbing walls, fitness rooms, swimming pools, a gymnasium, a dance hall, tennis courts, outdoor racket and ball games, etc.


The SUAPS also organises a variety of classes in activities such as skiing, diving, climbing, paragliding, golf, or other outdoor physical activities, and hosts events such as the Co Sports Nights, Racquet Night, Volleyball-fluo, Campus Sports Day, Fitness Evening, and charity walks throughout the year.

To benefit from the SUAPS services, you must register online (with your digital account) or at the SUAPS administration office and pay the annual fee. The fee is €30 for students and €50 for staff members. You will then be able to register for 2 to 3 courses among the many activities provided on each university site.

Learn more about the SUAPS (activities, shedule, registration etc.) (in French)

Top and advanced level athletes

The SUAPS and its Top and Advanced Level Department (Département de haut et bon niveau universitaire – DHBNU) enable you to combine studying and the high-level practice of sports. With this status, you can benefit from adapted follow-up within your field of training and receive the support of a referent teacher from your faculty, as well as the support of a tutor within the SUAPS for your sports follow-up.

Physical activity can help !

If you suffer from obesity or from a chronic disease, adapted physical activity (APA), also called physical activity on medical prescription, can help you improve your health and your quality of life. A personalized and adapted physical activity coaching program is provided at the SUAPS, along with medical follow-up by a SSE doctor.

Learn more (in French)