Exchange students

The University of Caen Normandy takes part in exchange programmes such as Erasmus+ and ISEP Study Abroad, and has signed numerous exchange agreements with universities around the world. To come and study in Caen as part of an exchange, you must:

  • Check that your university is a partner of the University of Caen Normandy: contact your university’s international relations department to apply.
  • Provide proof that you understand enough French to follow university courses (at least level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). You do not speak French but still want to study at UNICAEN? Not a problem: we have a growing catalogue of courses taught in English and in some other languages. Check our Pick-Your-Courses online catalog for exchange students and use the “Teaching language” filter to narrow your search.
  • If you have been selected to come to Caen, the International Mobility Department of the University of Caen Normandy will send you the link to pre-register. This pre-registration will enable you to enroll in the language integration programme and apply for accommodation in a hall of residence. Pre-registration online.