ITS – Information technology services

The University of Caen Normandie provides a wide range of digital services and resources to its community, in order to make studying, working, doing research and living at university easier.

You can access this offer via a specific digital account that you will have access to once your registration has been validated on-site at the registration desk of the University of Caen.

This account is called the Etupass compte numérique (“Etupass” digital account). It remains valid for the whole duration of your studies at university. It enables you to :

  • use the free WiFi network provided by the university. Many WiFi hotspots are installed on the various campuses allowing you to connect to the Internet from your personal equipment.
  • benefit from the UNICAEN secure cloud to have access to all your files via the Internet.
  • access online courses and exercises
  • consult your university schedule updated every day
  • borrow books from the library and visit the documentary portal
  • access self-service computer rooms. Workstations allow you to connect to the Internet and use different software packs (OpenOffice, PDF reader, image editing software, etc.). Multifunction copiers are also available in these rooms.
  • have an institutional mailbox and a personal schedule
  • activate your IZLY account, a secure payment system to use at the cafeteria and university restaurants