
Comprehensive education, from first access to university studies to PhD

Academic training programmes cover the main fields of studies :

  • arts, literature and languages
  • law, economics and management
  • human and social sciences
  • science, technology and health

Academic training supported by research and in sync with professional demands

Every five years, the academic programmes of the University change to keep pace with professional and industrial developments. With a 90% employment rate after a professional bachelor’s or a master’s degree, UNICAEN help you build a successful future.

Gradual specialisation during the Bachelor’s degree

All Bachelor’s degrees have been reviewed to provide more flexibility for further reorientation, wider learning outcomes and more professional opportunities.

Encouraging lifelong learning

UNICAEN hosts more than 6000 vocational trainees. As a multidisciplinary institution, it provides lifelong training programs in several qualifying curricula, at all levels of qualification, for both face-to-face training and e-learning.

Experience accreditation

The university offers several ways of accrediting academic and professional achievements :

  • Accreditation to access academic training
    • Validation of occupational achievements (VAP)
    • Validation of studies (VE)
  • Accreditation for graduation
    • Validation of prior experiential learning (VAE)
    • Validation of Higher education (VES)