Innovation & partnerships

The diffusion of research and technology transfers are an integral part of the institution’s culture.

These activities are supported by the “valorisation, industrial contracts, regional/national subsidies” division of our Research and Innovation Department (DRI).

The university’s technical platforms provide technical support to the scientific community and to the industry.

Relations with the socio-economic world

The DRI’s “valorisation, industrial contracts, regional/national subsidies” division is the main contact:

Our missions:

  • Promoting synergies between companies and universities,
  • Assisting the transfer of research results to the socio-economic sector
  • Supporting innovation

Our offers:

  • Identifying a research unit capable of meeting your R&D needs
  • Providing you with technical platforms and equipment specific to the university
  • Assisting you in the contracting process
  • Helping you in the search for funding and financial partners

Our interventions:

  • Negotiating and drafting industrial and commercial agreements and conventions
  • Detecting innovative projects and supporting technology transfers
  • Filing of intellectual property rights
  • Finding out more about business creation opportunities

The “valorisation, industrial contracts, regional/national subsidies” division is at your disposal to identify the type of contract that is best suited to your needs.

Technology transfer hotbed

Creating the innovation that the region needs. This is the ambition of Normandie Valorisation, which aims to facilitate the transfer of innovations generated by research carried out within the member institutions of Normandy University to the socio-economic world. Its mission is to protect, develop and enhance the intangible assets of the institutions of the University of Normandie. Its ambition is to create the innovation that the region needs.

Normandie Valorisation collaborates with all the players in the innovation ecosystem and deploys a project-by-project strategy. Each project is unique and will have varying needs and requirements depending on the nature of the innovation/invention concerned. For each project, it is important for Normandie Valorisation to join forces with partners that are most likely to contribute to the transformation of an idea into a reality on the ground.

Setting up a business

For 20 years, Normandie Incubation has been supporting project leaders in the creation and launch of their start-ups in Normandy. To date, the incubator has supported 280 projects and created 200 companies, with a 5-year survival rate of 75%.

The NormanDeepTech initiative was selected in February 2020 at the end of the call for projects “Integration of SATTs, incubators and accelerators” to deploy innovative training, support and accelerate actions. Supported by Normandie Incubation and Normandie Valorisation, NormanDeepTech has one ambition: to offer an innovative springboard based on a team, an offer, the market and funding, so that start-ups can quickly gain a foothold and increase their potential. Built on the specific needs and opportunities of Normandy, this initiative enriches the existing offer, federating and amplifying interactions between the actors of innovation in Normandy.