Scientific integrity

The University of Caen Normandie is one of the signatories of the National Charter of Ethics for Research Professions adopted in January 2015 by the Conference of University Presidents (CPU) and all national research organisations. By signing this charter, the University of Caen Normandie agrees to set up an institutional policy in terms of scientific integrity and to appoint a “scientific integrity referent”.

The President of the University has appointed Isabelle DEZ (UFR des Sciences)  as referent for scientific integrity.

According to the Corvol Report , “scientific integrity is the conduct of integrity and honesty that must govern all research.” “Scientific integrity (…) is understood as the set of rules and values that must govern research activities, to guarantee their honest and scientifically rigorous nature” (MESR Circular No. 2017-040 of 15-3-2017).

  • Reliability: “guaranteeing the quality of research (…) in the design, methodology, analysis and use of resources.
  • Honesty: “To develop, undertake, evaluate, report and publish research in a transparent, fair, complete and objective manner. »
  • Respect“for colleagues, research participants, society, ecosystems, cultural heritage and the environment”
  • Responsibility: “for research activities from conception to publication, their management and organisation, for training, supervision and mentoring, and for the broader implications of the research.

To be consulted

European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, ALLEA, ALL European Academies

The implementation of an institutional policy begins with the precise identification of breaches of scientific integrity:

  • plagiarism in all its forms, direct or indirect
  • the unjustified refusal or undue attribution of an author’s position in a publication
  • the fabrication and falsification of data
  • non-retention or retention of primary data and research protocols
  • failure to declare or conceal conflicts of interest
  • non-compliance with international conventions and protocols, especially concerning the impact on living organisms and the environment
  • Ensuring that scientific integrity is respected and promoted, as set out in the Charter of Ethics for Research Professions.
  • Carrying out prevention and training to promote a common culture of scientific integrity within the university.
  • Receiving requests for information.
  • Establishing mediation for all conflict situations related to research activities.
  • Collecting and addressing allegations of breaches of scientific integrity. If staff from outside the university are involved, a joint investigation with the scientific integrity officer of the latter’s employer may be organised.
  • Writing a report in which remedial actions are proposed in the event of a breach of ethics and scientific integrity.
  • Ensuring the external representations of the University of Caen Normandie, in particular within the OFIS  (French Office for Scientific Integrity) and the network of Scientific Integrity referents of the CPU (Conference of University Presidents).
  • Proposing broader actions to be implemented regarding scientific integrity.

Moreover, the RIS represents the University of Caen Normandie within the RIS committee of the COMUE, bringing together all the RIS of the Normandy institutions.

This committee works on IS issues related to the PhD.

  • Handling of allegations of non-compliance with the CIT concerning a doctoral student
  • Training of doctoral students in scientific integrity according to the ministerial decree of 25 May 2016
  • Fighting against plagiarism
  • Implementing the oath of integrity for future PhDs

Any person acting in good faith, who is aware of a possible breach of scientific integrity, may report to the Scientific Integrity Officer (RIS) |


The allegation of non-compliance is sent by email or mail, signed and dated. This statement describes the situation and the persons involved. The anonymity of the whistleblower is guaranteed by the referee.

Admissibility of the report

In the preliminary investigation phase, the referent verifies that the report is sufficiently serious to follow up. In the event of an investigation, the people involved are informed of the procedure.


In all cases, absolute priority is given to the facts as well as to the presumption of innocence of the persons concerned. It is understood that, at any stage of the proceedings and whenever possible, the referent may propose mediation to the persons concerned, in order to settle the situation through a series of relevant measures agreed upon by all parties.

The investigation shall be conducted in an adversarial manner, with equal treatment of the parties involved, and with the assistance of independent experts if necessary. The inventory of the reported facts, the established facts and the arguments provided by the various parties leads to the drafting of a report by the scientific integrity referent which can be accompanied by recommendations. The investigation report is submitted to the President of the University.


The decision on the follow-up to be given to the investigation report rests with the President of the University of Caen Normandie.