Our success stories

21.6 million euros for the University of Caen Normandie, laureate of the ExcellencES program
The University of Caen Normandie officialy launched the “Caen, Stratégie pour l’accélération en recherche” – CaeSAR (meaning Caen Strategy for Acceleration in Research) project.read more ❯
Eiffel Scholarship WinnersFrance Excellence Eiffel (Logo)
UNICAEN will welcome five Eiffel Excellence Scholars for the 2024-2025 academic year.read more ❯
The “Bienvenue en France” label: a 3rd star for our University!
This recognition rewards UNICAEN permanent efforts and improvements in welcoming international students. read more ❯
Denis Vivien, winner of the Danièle Hermann 2023 PrizeVaisseau cérébral ©Institut BB@C
A prize awarded by the jury of the Fondation Recherche Cardio-Vasculaire-Institut de France for her research into stroke.read more ❯
Professor Florence Joly wins the Grand Prix Ruban Rose for Research
The Grand Prix Ruban Rose was awarded to Pr Florence Joly, for her work on “cognitions and cancers”.read more ❯
The university earns the DD&RS LabelUniversity of Caen Normandy awarded by the Label DD&RS
The University of Caen has just been awarded the Sustainaible development and social responsability Label for 4 years.read more ❯
The Social Atlas of Caen, winner of the cristal collectif du CNRS award
Meeting with Jean-Marc Fournier, geography professor and scientific director of the Social Atlas of Caen read more ❯
Anne-Lise Pitel appointed to the Institut Universitaire de France
Anne-Lise Pitel, Senior Lecturer in Neuropsychology, is one of the new winners of the IUF.read more ❯