Various procedures

Opening a bank account

Opening a bank account in France is not compulsory, but it makes things easier, particularly to receive your salary, to receive reimbursements for health expenses from the CPAM, or to pay your electricity bills.
Generally, to open a bank account, 3 documents will be required:

  • an identity document (passport + residence permit if applicable),
  • proof of residency,
  • an employment contract / a school certificate / a certificate from the host laboratory.

Once you have opened your account, you will receive a bank card, a cheque book and a bank identification statement (RIB).
The RIB is a document containing your bank details. It must be provided to the CPAM and CAF to receive payments from these organisations. If you have an income in France, your employer will also need your RIB to transfer your salary to your account in France.

To help you decide which bank is right for you, you can use a bank comparator.
To find out more about the banking system in France, visit the Euraxess France website.


You will have to file a tax return if you are in one of the following situations:

  • you received a salary from a French source;
  • you are employed or self-employed in France;
  • France is your country of residence (for more than 183 days per year).

First, you need to obtain your French tax number. The tax return must be made every year:

  • between mid-April and mid-May if you make a “paper” return;
  • until the beginning of June if you file online (depending on your department of residence).

Please note that sinceJanuary 1st, 2019, the withholding tax system has been applied in France.
For more information, please visit the Euraxess France website.

Driving in France

In France, you may drive with your foreign driving licence under certain conditions. More information on the Service Public websit