The capricious weather didn’t stop the 913 students and staff from the University of Caen Normandy who took part in the UNICAEN Solidaire walk/run on campus 1 on Thursday 19 October.
Every year, the Pink October campaign is an opportunity to raise women’s awareness of gynaecological cancer screening. With this in mind, the University of Caen Normandy has organised UNICAEN Solidaire – a walk/run open to students and staff, organised in aid of the fight against, and the prevention and screening for, female cancers. The route, which was not timed, consisted of a loop to be completed twice, for a total of 5 kilometres.
913 donations were collected, totalling €4,711.31. These donations will be donated to associations that fight and prevent women’s cancers.
The first event, held in 2022 and open to women only, raised €2,704.30, which was donated to the Caen Normandy University Hospital and the François Baclesse Cancer Centre. These funds represent a further step forward in the fight against women’s cancers. Thanks to this contribution, additional efforts can be made to promote early detection, raise awareness and support women affected by these diseases. Through donations, fundraising and partnerships, these establishments are able to finance research projects, cutting-edge medical equipment, prevention and education programmes, as well as support services for patients and their families.