21.6 million euros for the University of Caen Normandie, laureate of the ExcellencES program

The University of Caen Normandie officialy launched the “Caen, Stratégie pour l’accélération en recherche” – CaeSAR (meaning Caen Strategy for Acceleration in Research) project.read more ❯
Eiffel Scholarship Winners

UNICAEN will welcome five Eiffel Excellence Scholars for the 2024-2025 academic year.read more ❯
The “Bienvenue en France” label: a 3rd star for our University!

This recognition rewards UNICAEN permanent efforts and improvements in welcoming international students. read more ❯
Denis Vivien, winner of the Danièle Hermann 2023 Prize

A prize awarded by the jury of the Fondation Recherche Cardio-Vasculaire-Institut de France for her research into stroke.read more ❯
Professor Florence Joly wins the Grand Prix Ruban Rose for Research

The Grand Prix Ruban Rose was awarded to Pr Florence Joly, for her work on “cognitions and cancers”.read more ❯
The university earns the DD&RS Label

The University of Caen has just been awarded the Sustainaible development and social responsability Label for 4 years.read more ❯
The Social Atlas of Caen, winner of the cristal collectif du CNRS award

Meeting with Jean-Marc Fournier, geography professor and scientific director of the Social Atlas of Caen
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Anne-Lise Pitel appointed to the Institut Universitaire de France

Anne-Lise Pitel, Senior Lecturer in Neuropsychology, is one of the new winners of the IUF.read more ❯