Through the Carré international, Office of Global Education and International Affairs, UNICAEN is committed to provide high quality support for international students and researchers, including a dedicated multi-service space – Espace AAPI, located in the heart of the main campus.
Hosting both the International Student Center – pôle SPI and the EURAXESS Center, the Espace AAPI provides international students and researchers with year-round support and partner services to facilitate their academic and social integration. Support includes administrative registration, residence permits, heatlh insurance, information on living in France, cross-cultural events and activities. Users also benefit from lounge and study areas and a self-service computer room with printing and scanning services.
The Carré international also offers a specific program for students in exile, to help them pursue their higher education in France. This bridge program – DUPEX (Diplôme universitaire pour étudiants en exil) started in 2019, enabling a large number of selected candidates to benefit from the social advantages linked to student status as soon as they start their FFL-French as a Foreign Language training. The DUPEX completes a long-standing commitment to waive program fees for public in exile seeking to learn French.

Since 2019, the University of Caen Normandy has held the “Bienvenue en France” label awarded by Campus France, a guarantee of the quality of its welcome for international students.