Since the start of the 2021 academic year, the university has been offering its students the chance to become ambassadors for the Sustainable Development Goals through the EAODD scheme. After a very positive initial assessment, the “Student Ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” scheme has been renewed for 2023/2024.
Full description of the Sustainable Development Goals Ambassador scheme
Registration dates
Registration on e-candidat from September 18 to 11 pm on October 15, 2023.
October 23, 2023: allocation of supervisor and subject;
October 27, 2023 to January 31, 2024: project completion;
February 1 to April 14, 2024: project presentation (presentation dates will be set in consultation with the schools).
For questions and further information:
Raising awareness among young people, based on scientific expertise
In the form of a free UE “Student Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals”, this project will be carried out in addition to the volunteers’ curriculum, under the supervision of teachers. They will be able to work in small multi-disciplinary groups, on a subject chosen from existing themes, or on a theme proposed and validated by a teacher. Pedagogical resources will be made available to the students, so that they can build on a solid scientific foundation.
The aim is to offer presentations, workshops and/or poster-making, etc., to high school, college or schoolchildren, to raise their awareness of the challenges of the SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals.
An Open Badge Développement Durable level 3 “je transmets” and a certificate will be awarded as a diploma supplement.
Open to all university students
Whether you’re already aware of the issue or not, whether you know the SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals – inside out or not, all students are welcome to participate. To support them throughout the project, teaching resources will be available and teachers will be on hand to supervise volunteers.
This experience will enable participating students to acquire skills that complement their degree, and enhance their knowledge and CVs.

This project has received government funding managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the “Investissements d’avenir” program, under reference ANR-18-NCUN-021.

It is also supported by MGEN, a partner of the Université de Caen Normandie.