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Quality support for international students and researchers

  • Post last modified:07/05/2024

Through the Carré international, Office of Global Education and International Affairs, UNICAEN is committed to provide high quality support for international students and researchers, including a dedicated multi-service space – Espace AAPI, located in the heart of the main campus.

Hosting both the International Student Center – pôle SPI and the EURAXESS Center, the Espace AAPI provides international students and researchers with year-round support and partner services to facilitate their academic and social integration. Support includes administrative registration, residence permits, heatlh insurance, information on living in France, cross-cultural events and activities. Users also benefit from lounge and study areas and a self-service computer room with printing and scanning services.

The Carré international also offers a specific program for students in exile, to help them pursue their higher education in France. This bridge program – DUPEX (Diplôme universitaire pour étudiants en exil) started in 2019, enabling a large number of selected candidates to benefit from the social advantages linked to student status as soon as they start their FFL-French as a Foreign Language training. The DUPEX completes a long-standing commitment to waive program fees for public in exile seeking to learn French.

Logo du label Bienvenue en France - 3 étoiles

Since 2019, the University of Caen Normandy has held the “Bienvenue en France” label awarded by Campus France, a guarantee of the quality of its welcome for international students.