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The university adopts its mobility plan

  • Post last modified:23/07/2024

After the mobility plan was presented to the social administrative committee on February 20, 2024, the university board meeting adopted the mobility plan of the university of Caen Normandy on March 12, 2024. This plan introduces new perspectives for sustainable mobility for the next five years, until 2029.

Mobility at the heart of GHG reduction actions

According to our carbon footprint, the transportation of the university community, whether to campus or business travel, accounts for a significant portion of the university’s greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce the use of personal car, the mobility plan identifies the needs of the community and draws an action plan to implement new projects for our means of transportations.

First of all, the mobility plan offers a state of play of the university community’s transportation habits. This plan also details the tools and equipment already in use to encourage users to choose soft mobility (bicycle shelters, sustainable mobility package…). This diagnosis covers the 13 sites of the university and takes into account the entire community (employees and students).

Along with this state of play comes an action plan: 26 measures summed up in tables figuring their economic feasibility and implementation indices, as well as several associated indicators. These actions will be carried out over the next five years.

If new needs arise within the community, the mobility plan can be adapted to these needs. As such, new projects could complement the current action plan.

A document designed with the entire university community

Our aim was to include employees and students as much as possible. They participated through different means:

We want to thank everyone who took part in these discussions. The themes addressed, the needs expressed and the solutions proposed allowed us to considerably expand the mobility plan.

The plan was submitted to the all the concerned services, who confirmed that they could carry out the measures. We also want to thank everyone who helped creating the action plan. The Campus 30 mission is in charge of steering and monitoring the actions that will be undertaken as part of the mobility plan, in collaboration with the various services.

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