On December 5, 2023, the European Commission granted the “Human Resources Excellence in Research” (HRS4R) award to the University of Caen Normandy in recognition of the University’s on-going commitment to sustain the research environment for our researchers.
The “Human Resources Excellence in Research” award confirms the commitment of the University of Caen Normandy to continuous improvement in recruitment practices and working conditions for its research staff.
The HRS4R approach is based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, which cover four areas: “ethical and professional aspects”, “recruitment”, “working and safety conditions”, and “training and development”. The University has carried out a self-diagnosis of its practices in relation to the 40 principles set out in the Charter and Code, and has proposed an action plan for the next five years.
The University of Caen Normandy has joined the 709 European institutions that have obtained this label of excellence, including 64 French institutions.

“The HRS4R label is an important recognition of our commitment to excellence in human resources management for researchers. It is thanks to the contribution of our entire community that we have been able to carry out our self-diagnosis and propose an action plan that will enable us to develop a solid strategy and concrete, tailored actions to create a research-friendly environment, support our researchers in their professional development, strengthen their integration and promote a quality culture at our university.”
Lamri Adoui, President of the University of Caen Normandy