Have you been the witness or victim of an incident, accident, illness, fire or assault?
PC sécurité
You can contact the security control centre (PC Sécurité):
Emergency telephone numbers
List of numbers to know in case of emergency :
- 15 – SAMU : to obtain the intervention of a medical team in a situation of vital distress, as well as to be redirected to a permanent care organization
- 17 – Police Secours: to report an offence that requires immediate police intervention
- 18 – Sapeurs-pompiers (fire department): to report a situation of danger or an accident which involves property or people, and to obtain rapid intervention
- 112 – European emergency number: if you are the victim or witness of an accident in a European Union country
- 114 – Emergency number for the deaf and hard of hearing people : this number accessible by text message or fax if you are the victim or witness of an emergency that requires the intervention of the emergency services.