Who to contact in case of an incident on campus?

Have you been the witness or victim of an incident, accident, illness, fire or assault?

PC sécurité

You can contact the security control centre (PC Sécurité):

Caen · campus 1
+33 (0)2 31 56 60 40 (60 40 from an internal telephone) – available 24 hours a day

Caen · campus 2
+33 (0)2 31 56 74 94 (74 94 from an internal line)

Caen · campus 4 et 5
+33 (0)2 31 56 81 55 (81 55 from an internal line)

Emergency telephone numbers

List of numbers to know in case of emergency :

  • 15 – SAMU : to obtain the intervention of a medical team in a situation of vital distress, as well as to be redirected to a permanent care organization
  • 17 – Police Secours: to report an offence that requires immediate police intervention
  • 18 – Sapeurs-pompiers (fire department): to report a situation of danger or an accident which involves property or people, and to obtain rapid intervention
  • 112 – European emergency number: if you are the victim or witness of an accident in a European Union country
  • 114 – Emergency number for the deaf and hard of hearing people : this number accessible by text message or fax if you are the victim or witness of an emergency that requires the intervention of the emergency services.