more than
0graduates per year
university towns
The University of Caen Normandie provides many services to its community.
Because the university is not just a place to study and to work, all university campuses provide a rich cultural programme as well as a wide range of sports activities. Preventive medicine and health services are also available to the community, both for students (SSE – Service de Santé Étudiante – healthcare for students) and staff members (SMPP, preventive medicine service for staff). Digital services are also available, with infrastructure and services accessible on all campuses and online.
The university works closely with the CROUS Normandie, a national student service agency which aims at improving the living and studying conditions of students in their daily lives and foster their autonomy. As such, the CROUS provides catering and housing services, social assistance, reception of foreign students, temporary jobs, cultural programming, etc.
There are two charitable grocery stores for students on the campuses of Caen and Cherbourg: AGORA-É in Caen and EPI’ETU in Cherbourg.
For staff, a social service is available from the Human Resources Department (DRH). The Human Resources Department provides social services for staff members.