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Bloomberg trading room: immersion in the world of finance

  • Post last modified:23/07/2024

Here we talk about “financial risks”, “commodity prices” and “investment management”… Welcome to the trading room at IAE Caen! For the past ten years, this room – one of the largest in France – has been welcoming students training for careers in banking, finance and insurance.

Bloomberg Financial Markets Lab: direct contact with the reality of financial markets

IAE Caen, the university business and management school, has a trading room dedicated to training from bac+3 to bac+5 levels. This room is connected to the Bloomberg LP service, an information system offering real-time access to economic, financial and stock market data from all over the world. Equipped with 16 terminals, the room offers an immersive experience, putting students in direct contact with the reality of the financial markets. « Our students are trained in the analysis tools deployed in a large number of banks, management companies and investment firms around the world », explains Slim Souissi, Senior Lecturer in Finance. « At the end of their training, our students all have the opportunity to obtain Bloomberg certification to attest to their mastery of the platform. As this certification is internationally recognized internationally, our students are generally able to enter the job market very quickly. »

Training students with professional tools

The master’s degree in wealth management trains students in the operation of financial markets, so that they can support and advise private clients as closely as possible to their need. The master’s degree in money, banking, finance and insurance provides the knowledge needed to master financial and legal tools. For all these courses, the Bloomberg trading room offers a unique setting for learning how to manage financial market operations with good risk management practices. « The French government borrows every week on the financial markets for its investments and operating expenses, points out Slim Souissi. For example, one of our students was recruited by the City of Caen to take out loans in order to finance work on the tramway. » To help them make the best decisions, students have access to a wealth of real-time information on shares, currencies, interest rates and commodities… just like on the New York, London or Tokyo stock exchanges!

On Tuesday, February 20, 2024, some 15 staff from the University of Caen Normandie visited the Bloomberg trading room at IAE Caen. The group, led by Slim Souissi, Senior Lecturer in Finance, enjoyed a lunch break in this space dedicated to training and research.