Degree-seeking students

You have been admitted or are planning to study at the University of Caen Normandy ?
The teams of the Carré international have put together a maximum amount of information to help you prepare for your arrival and facilitate your settling in :

Prepare your stay

France: love, gastronomy, haute-couture and… paperwork ! It is easy to get lost in the many administrative steps to take before and after your arrival at UNICAEN. To enjoy your […]

Support services per UNICAEN location

Support for international audiences (Pôle support aux publics internationaux – SPI) | +33 2 31 56 61 75

Caen · campus 1 · Building i / Maison des langues et de l’international – Espace AAPI (Li 242)
Find us with Google Map

Service des Relations Internationales

Site universitaire de Cherbourg · Building BU/MDE · 2 rue Max-Pol Fouchet – 50130 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
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