The university of Caen Normandy offers three to five-year degree programmes in five major fields of study, with 36 doctoral specialisations. The courses leading up to the master’s degree level are held by 12 university departments.
Study plan

Degree programs taught in English
- IAE Caen : International Management
- UFR SEGGAT : Applied economics
- INSPé : Educational mobility and tourism
You can find a list of all UNICAEN degrees taught in English on the Campus France online catalog, Taughtie.
Our national diplomas
National diplomas are accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education. They are governed by decrees and correspond to current standards applied throughout Europe. Their structures and denominations are established by national regulations that give their holders equal rights, regardless of the institution awarding them.
The University Bachelor of Technology is obtained over three years of undergraduate study (after the completion of secondary school education) at a University Institute of Technology (IUT). It leads to a degree of Licence (Bachelor’s degree). However, a DUT (technological university diploma) is granted after the first two years. With the University Bachelor of Technology programmes students receive university and technological teaching supervised by experienced teaching teams composed of academics and professionals. The syllabus of the programmes is based around work experience, with periods spent in internships at companies or in cooperative training courses.
The licence is a degree that enables students to acquire disciplinary competences, as well as pre-professional, linguistic and cross-disciplinary skills. Licences are obtained over 3 years of undergraduate study, after the high-school diploma. Programmes consists of 6 semesters, each divided into teaching units (UE). When a student validates the knowledge and skills acquired in a UE, the university awards credits that can be capitalized and transferred. One semester corresponds to 30 credits (ECTS). An full licence degree is therefore equivalent to 180 ECTS.
Courses in at least one foreign language are compulsory, but apart from this, students create their own path and make their choices as they progress through university.
Licences are obtained at a Training and Research Unit (UFR) or a University Institute. Programmes typically comprise 20 to 30 hours of class per week, combining lectures (CM), tutorials (TD) and/or practical work (TP), and, possibly, internships. This diploma is multi-disciplinary and based on a gradual specialization, enabling students to find their way while developing their career plans. Students can personalize their university curriculum by choosing to continue their course in the same field, in another field in the same Training and Research Unit (UFR), or in another field in another UFR. At the end of the 2nd year of the licence, students can apply for a professional licence (professional bachelor’s degree) and enter the job market after 3 years in higher education. If the student is aiming for 5 years in higher education, the general licence (general bachelor’s degree) allows them to apply to continue their studies at master’s level.
The professional degree is prepared in 1 year (2 semesters). Selective access to the professional licence is based on academic records and/or interviews. It is open to holders of a French or foreign Bac+2 diploma, i.e. 120 ECTS (L2, BTS, BUT2) or to students who validated their prior learning programme.
This is a way for motivated students to rapidly acquire a professional qualification that meets clearly identified needs and targets specific professions. The course is structured around theoretical and practical teaching and aims for the acquisition of methods with the assistance of professionals. It includes a compulsory 12- to 16-week work placement.
The master’s degree is accessible after a licence or any other French or foreign diploma corresponding to 180 ECTS. The master’s degree consists of 4 semesters, organized in the same way as the licence.
It leads to the acquisition of 120 credits of postgraduate study and awards a diploma at Bac+5 level. It can lead directly to integration in the profession or can constitute a first step towards doctoral studies. Access to the first year of the master’s programme is selective. Admission criteria and capacity are defined by each university.
You can access a doctorate after a master’s degree.
The doctorate is prepared over three years in one of the doctoral schools of the University of Caen Normandy, within a research unit and under the responsibility of a thesis director. The doctoral programme provides training in and through research, as well as professional research experience. It leads to new contributions to knowledge and is recognized by the award of the national doctoral degree. This degree, prepared at the University of Caen Normandy and awarded by Normandie Université, confers onto its holder the level and title of doctor.
At the University of Caen Normandy, you can also prepare for the following degrees:
- Diplomas in the health sector
- Engineering diplomas
- Habilitation to direct research (HDR in french)
- University entrance diploma (DAEU in french)
- Basic legal studies diploma (Capacité en droit in French)
Our school diplomas
Unlike national diplomas, which are awarded on behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, university or inter-university diplomas are awarded by a university or in partnership with several institutions. They are created by the university to complement the national training offer, particularly in the field of professional training. These diplomas are regularly assessed by the University Life and Training Committee and the University Board of Governors.
Graduate schools
A graduate school brings together master’s and doctorate courses supported by top-level research laboratories specializing in a particular subject. Graduate schools also involve different educational establishments…
12 university faculties and schools
- Faculty of Economics, Business Management, Geography and Land Settlement
- Faculty of Foreign Languages
- Faculty of Health
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Administration and Public Administration
- Faculty of Psychology
- Faculty of Science and Technology of Physical Activities and Sports
- Faculty of Sciences
Institutes and Schools
- Grand Ouest Normandie University Institute of Technology (IUT Grand Ouest Normandie)
- Business and Management School (IAE Caen)
- Teaching and Education Graduate School (INSPE)
- Engineering School of Normandy (ESIX)