Lamri ADOUIPresident of the university
Lamri ADOUI was elected in 2020 for 4 years. The President has the responsibility of running the university with the help of several Vice-presidents.
Sandy CANPARTVice-president of the board of administration
Élodie SAILLANT-MARAGHNIVice-president of the board of administration
Christophe ROCHAISVice-president of the Research Committee
Jean-Marc FOURNIERVice-president of the Research Committee
Hélène BOURAÏMA-LELONGVice-president of the Commission on education and university life
Valeria CALDERELLA-ALLAIREVice-president of the Commission on education and university life
Students Vice-presidents
The board of administration and the academic council also elect a student Vice-president with the mission of animating student life and the board’s relationship with the student organisations :
Romain ERAPAStudent vice-president on the board of administration
Bérénice SAITERStudent vice-president on the academic council
Director general of services
Géraldine BODETDirector general of services
The role of the Director general of services is to run and organize the administrative, financial and technical services of the university.